sparkling water

So for some reason, and I can’t really explain why, or where the sudden obsession came from, I’ve become very focused, for want of a better word, on bokeh.

I think I might have seen a photo on Facebook that had some great bokeh, and someone else had posted a link to a page with lots of info about how to get it in your photos, whether manufactured through the use of a lens cover with a shape cut out, or natural, by use of light coming into the camera and creating those out of focus bits at the back of your selected scene.

*please note – I do not profess to know very much at all about bokeh, even the correct pronounciation (and I have read sooooo many comments on whether it’s bow-keh or boca or whatever!), I just know that I love the look of a photo with great bokeh*

Over the last couple of days we’ve had some lovely sunshine, and while I’ve been busy doing lots of Spring cleaning and touch ups around the house, I’ve made sure that I took half an hour or so each evening to head out when the sun was getting low in the sky and try to get some shots…







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